Sunday, September 1, 2013

College life is a disappointment

Well before you see the title and assume that I hate my freshmen year of college, let me explain.  I love my college.  I haven't taken any classes yet but I imagine that I will love the classes as well when they happen.  But the actual social living aspect is underwhelming thus far.  

-Being best friends with my roommates
-Being able to decorate my room akin to a Pinterest dorm board
-Being able to make my dorm feel like home


I talk to my roommates but am not particularly good friends with them
My roommates are nice but they each have their own friend groups.  So I make small talk and conversation but that's about it.

My room still does not look like a Pinterest photo
I find that there is little time for room decorating and that it is really hard to replicate Pinterest anyway.  So hello bare walls and dark corners.  

My dorm feels like a hotel room or sleepaway camp or a bad mixture of both.
There are constantly hordes of people I'm not friends with in my room, chatting and yelling and laughing which basically makes me feel like I'm an intruder in my own room.  Or even more alone than I should be feelings.  

Anyways, classes begin soon and isn't that the reason I came to college?  Hopefully, classes help smooth everything out and keep me busy.  

That was a random but necessary life update.   

1 comment:

  1. I hope things get better for you. I never got the opportunity to experience dorm life, but my older brother had a kickass room. Well, he was a carpender and made himself a loft. :)


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